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Beneficial Owners

Pliance offers beneficial ownership information for a select number of countries, please check with your sales representative for data coverage. The list of owners can be retrieved along with company data.

1. Register Company

The first step is to register the company with an identity and a country. The response will contain a field of beneficiaries.

let request: RegisterCompanyCommand = {
companyReferenceId: "company-223",
name: "Bank of Sweden",
identity: {
country: "se",
identity: ""
let response = await client.registerCompany(request);
"data": {
"companyReferenceId": "company-223",
"identity": null,
"name": "Bank of Sweden",
"beneficiaries": [
"personReferenceId": "person-xyz",
"identity": {
"identity": "123456789",
"country": "SWE"
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Smith",
"birthdate": "1977-05-04",
"addresses": [
"street1": "bragatan",
"street2": "",
"city": "Stockholm",
"streetNo": "4",
"postalCode": "11500",
"country": "Sweden"
"hits": [],
"gender": "Male",
"archived": false,
"isPep": false,
"isRca": false,
"isSanction": false,
"birth": {
"year": 1977,
"month": 5,
"day": 4
"highRiskCountry": false,
"lastChanged": {
"timestampUtc": "2022-01-04T21:03:54.068772Z",
"checkpoint": "94b7ba0d433c3d1494dbd5c93b7ace39728a520fa2d976c5cc7dcf11133b9fee"
"archived": false,
"highRiskCountry": false,
"hits": [
"matchId": "c240d937a0e1635f222e3589b8760377",
"aliasId": "85dd36a12f919dbe2f74aba4f30c05f353fe238eb5df3235e4baca91c177a695",
"isSanction": true,
"classification": "FalsePositive",
"name": "Bank of Sweden",
"matchedName": [
"text": "Bank",
"isMatch": true
"text": " ",
"isMatch": false
"text": "Sweden",
"isMatch": true
"score": 1.0
"lastChanged": {
"timestampUtc": "2022-01-04T21:03:54.068772Z",
"checkpoint": "94b7ba0d433c3d1494dbd5c93b7ace39728a520fa2d976c5cc7dcf11133b9fee"
"isSanction": true,
"description": null,
"corporateForm": null,
"registrationDate": null
"status": "Success",
"success": true,
"message": null,
"checkpoint": "94b7ba0d433c3d1494dbd5c93b7ace39728a520fa2d976c5cc7dcf11133b9fee"

2. View Company Query

To see updates on the company’s Beneficial Owners use the ViewCompany endpoint.

let request: ViewCompanyQuery = {
companyReferenceId: "company-223"

let response = await client.viewCompany(request);
"data": {
"companyReferenceId": "company-223",
"identity": null,
"name": "Bank of Sweden",
"beneficiaries": [
"personReferenceId": "person-xyz",
"identity": {
"identity": "123456789",
"country": "SWE"
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Smith",
"birthdate": "1977-05-04",
"addresses": [
"street1": "bragatan",
"street2": "",
"city": "Stockholm",
"streetNo": "4",
"postalCode": "11500",
"country": "Sweden"
"hits": [],
"gender": "Male",
"archived": false,
"isPep": false,
"isRca": false,
"isSanction": false,
"birth": {
"year": 1977,
"month": 5,
"day": 4
"highRiskCountry": false,
"lastChanged": {
"timestampUtc": "2022-01-04T21:03:54.068772Z",
"checkpoint": "94b7ba0d433c3d1494dbd5c93b7ace39728a520fa2d976c5cc7dcf11133b9fee"
"archived": false,
"highRiskCountry": false,
"hits": [
"matchId": "c240d937a0e1635f222e3589b8760377",
"aliasId": "85dd36a12f919dbe2f74aba4f30c05f353fe238eb5df3235e4baca91c177a695",
"isSanction": true,
"classification": "FalsePositive",
"name": "Bank of Sweden",
"matchedName": [
"text": "Bank",
"isMatch": true
"text": " ",
"isMatch": false
"text": "Sweden",
"isMatch": true
"score": 1.0
"lastChanged": {
"timestampUtc": "2022-01-04T21:03:54.068772Z",
"checkpoint": "94b7ba0d433c3d1494dbd5c93b7ace39728a520fa2d976c5cc7dcf11133b9fee"
"isSanction": true,
"description": null,
"corporateForm": null,
"registrationDate": null
"status": "Success",
"success": true,
"message": null,
"checkpoint": "94b7ba0d433c3d1494dbd5c93b7ace39728a520fa2d976c5cc7dcf11133b9fee"

Data Format

The beneficiaries array in the response includes the list of beneficial owners, please refer to the API reference for further information on the returned fields.